Convenience Stores are typically assessed using the Cost Approach. This approach almost always leads to a higher value compared to the sales and income approaches. Whenever possible a sales and market analysis should be performed on each property.
Factors to consider in getting your convenience stores assessment reduced
- Is this a Build to Suit? Build to Suits have major inadequacies built into them. These buildings are specifically designed and in the second generation market sell for pennies on the dollar.
- Where is the value derived from? Very little money is made at the gas pumps. The profit is generated by selling items inside the store.
- Is there limited parking? Parking limitations can significantly cut into the profitability of a store.
- Is there a unique, custom design to the space? The more unusual the design the lower the assessment should be. Nobody wants to own an office building that used to be a Pizza Hut or Steak and Ale.