Real Estate
Our experience enables us to distinguish between the theory and practice of appraisal. We at PTA have the time and staff ready to thoroughly analyze, review, and visit each property to ensure the lowest possible assessment based on the properties’ individual characteristics.
Business Personal Property
Our office will meet with your asset manager to review your asset listings and/or depreciation schedules to ensure correctness. We will then file any necessary renditions as required by the local assessor’s office and maintain and review your personal property records on a yearly basis.
Meet The Leadership Team

Jorge Sanchez
Chris Sanchez
Executive Vice President
Krystal Ayers
Vice PresidentTestimonials
“Property Tax Associates has represented our property portfolio for approximately 15 years. PTA’s staff is competent, responsive and thorough. They have a broad knowledge and understanding of the El Paso real estate market and valuations and have consistently been successful in their efforts to reduce the tax liability on our holdings.”
Beth Thomas
Controller River Oaks Properties Ltd.
“Property Tax Associates has saved me a ton of money over the years on my Dallas Forth Worth Properties. Without their help, I would almost be bankrupt.”
Walter Herrington
L&W Properties